Sygic Travel API

This API provides access to the Sygic Travel Places data.


Each request must contain an authorization header x-api-key. To get the key please contact us.


The latest API version is 1.0. See changelog.

The API always requires a version parameter in the URL. Changes made in the new versions will be documented in a changelog. Old versions will be supported together with the new ones following end-of-life policies which will be specified in future. While in beta, all versions are in the 0.x format and versions are supported only for a short time period.


You can check the API availability at the status page

URL prefix{lang}


name type example description
lang inlined in path
enum["ar", "cs", "da", "de", "el", "en", "es", "fi", "fr", "he", "hu", "it", "ja", "ko", "nl", "no", "pl", "pt", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sv", "th", "tr", "uk", "zh"]



Alerts #

Travel Alerts API returns a list of alerts about severe weather conditions (e.g. strong wind, heavy rain and snow) and natural disasters (e.g. earthquakes, tornadoes, cyclones) in a specific area.



name type example description
date (YYYY-MM-DD)

Lower boundary date of the alert.

date (YYYY-MM-DD)

Upper boundary date of the alert.

types optional

Limit results by type. It is possible to pass multiple types. Separators have to be url-encoded and the only allowed option is: | (logical OR). For possible values please see the list of values in response.

severities optional

Limit results by severity. It is possible to pass multiple severities. Separators have to be url-encoded and the only allowed option is: | (logical OR). Possible values are: minor, moderate, severe, extreme and unknown.

states optional

Limit results by state. It is possible to pass multiple states. Separators have to be url-encoded and the only allowed option is: | (logical OR). Possible values are: active, outdated, insufficient data, canceled.

place_ids optional

Limit results by ID of place. It is possible to pass multiple place ids. Separators have to be url-encoded and the only allowed option is: | (logical OR).

bounds optional

Limit results to alerts that interescts with area defined by bounds. Bounds are defined by string composed of four floats in format {south},{west},{north},{east}. The units are in degrees of latitude/longi­tude."

map_tile_bounds optional

Limit results to alerts that interescts with area defined by quadkeys. See section Geographical attributes. You should provide two quadkeys separated by comma. The first one represents south west corner of the area and the second one the north east corner of the area.

limit optional
int 1…1000

Limit the number of returned results. Default limit is 100, maximal accepted value is 1000.


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { alerts: [ { id: 213 int name: "Flood Advisory issued March 25 at 8:35PM MDT by NWS GreatFalls" string perex: "THE FLOOD ADVISORY FOR SNOWMELT FOR MINOR FLOODING IN POOR DRAINAGE AREAS REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM MDT MONDAY FOR JUDITH BASIN AND FERGUS COUNTIES" string|null type: "flood" enum["air_polution", "wind", "tornado", "rain", "fog", "freeze", "snow", "blizzard", "flood", "avalanche", "storm", "severe_weather", "earthquake", "icing", "coastal_hazards", "unknown", "volcano", "cold_front"] severity: "minor" enum["minor", "moderate", "severe", "extreme", "unknown"] origin: "cap_collator_bot" string provider: "" string|null provider_url: "" string|null affected_area: any

Area affected by alert as valid GeoJSON

updated_at: "2018-09-25T23:47:05+02:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ)

Date and time ol last update

state: "active" enum["active", "insufficient data", "outdated", "canceled"] valid_from: "2018-09-25T23:47:05+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ)

Date and time alert comes into effect

valid_to: "2018-10-26T17:00:00+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ)

Date and time alert ends


This endpoint provides complete information about an alert. The response also includes basic information from the /alerts/list endpoint.


name type example description
id inlined in path


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { alert: { external_id: "NOAA-NWS-ALERTS-MT125A992A014C.FloodAdvisory.125A993B85ACMT.TFXFLSTFX.5e519e4ca3c6a8d84dfe20c8b6d37d7e" string web_url: "" string|null description: "Something will go wrong." string|null geometry: any|null

Detailed area affected by alert as valid GeoJSON. Detailed area is provided only for some alerts.

id: 213 int name: "Flood Advisory issued March 25 at 8:35PM MDT by NWS GreatFalls" string perex: "THE FLOOD ADVISORY FOR SNOWMELT FOR MINOR FLOODING IN POOR DRAINAGE AREAS REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM MDT MONDAY FOR JUDITH BASIN AND FERGUS COUNTIES" string|null type: "flood" enum["air_polution", "wind", "tornado", "rain", "fog", "freeze", "snow", "blizzard", "flood", "avalanche", "storm", "severe_weather", "earthquake", "icing", "coastal_hazards", "unknown", "volcano", "cold_front"] severity: "minor" enum["minor", "moderate", "severe", "extreme", "unknown"] origin: "cap_collator_bot" string provider: "" string|null provider_url: "" string|null affected_area: any

Area affected by alert as valid GeoJSON

updated_at: "2018-09-25T23:47:05+02:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ)

Date and time ol last update

state: "active" enum["active", "insufficient data", "outdated", "canceled"] valid_from: "2018-09-25T23:47:05+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ)

Date and time alert comes into effect

valid_to: "2018-10-26T17:00:00+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ)

Date and time alert ends


GeoIP #

GeoIP API provides detection of geographical attributes such as location and country code using client's IP address. The country codes follow ISO 3116 standard with the addition of a few region-specific codes as defined by MaxMind GeoIP database.


This endpoint returns geographical location and country code as detected from request IP address. For a full list of supported country codes see MaxMind GeoIP database country codes list.

No request data.


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { geoip: { location: { lat: 49.2 float lng: 16.6333 float } country_code: "cz" string }|null } }

Media #

Media API provides photos and videos for Sygic Travel places together with detailed metadata, photo resizing and video previews.


Every medium entity returned from the API contains attribution property that defines title, author and license of the medium. When displaying media in your user interface you need to state the following data from the attribution object somewhere on the screen where the medium is used:

  • Media title, as a link when title_url is set.
  • Media author (if set), as a link when author_url is set.
  • Media licence, as a link when license_url is set.


name type example description
id inlined in path

Value of property url_template returned within the response contains {size} placeholder which has to be replaced by valid size value.

Supported size values are ({W} – width in pixels, {H} – height in pixels):

  • {W}x{H} – Image is resized to match exactly the requested size. If one edge overlaps, image is cropped.
  • {W}x{H}nc (no-crop) One edge matches the requested size, other may be smaller according to the aspect ratio.
  • {W}x{H}ncfill (no-crop-fill) One edge matches the requested size, other may be bigger according to the aspect ratio.


  • For videos the above values will generate thumbnails using the same rules as for photos.
  • Optionally, for 360° videos you may want get an original thumbnail without the center cropping; use fullsize placeholder for this.
  • To get the original resized video (a video with lower quiality), put a 1080p and 720p as placeholder. A 1080p video may redirect to lower quality if 1080p not present.


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { media: [ { id: "m:1234" string type: "photo" enum["photo", "photo360", "video", "video360"] url_template: "{size}/612664395a40232133447d33247d383235343637373932.jpg" string

{size} has to be relpaced i.e. by 400x300. For full description of size see media endpoint description.

url: "" string

Path to original.

?original: { size: 1017931 int|null

Size of original media file

width: 1024 int|null

Width of original media

height: 768 int|null

Height of original media

suitability: [ enum["portrait", "landscape", "square", "video_preview"] 0…∞ ]

List of preferred suitability

created_at: "2016-07-10T12:47:51+0000" string source: { provider: "user_upload" string name: "Fotolia" string|null external_id: 123456 string|null } created_by: "55963aff54537" string|null attribution: { title_url: "Nice tower" string|null license: "CC-BY-SA" string|null other: string|null author_url: "" string|null author: "Lojza Bojza" string|null title: "Eiffel Tower" string|null license_url: "" string|null } location: { lat: 10.51 float lng: 20.52 float }|null

Places #

Places API provides detailed information about Sygic Travel places as well as advanced search & filtering on whole places database.

Place levels

Each place has a level property that describes the type of the place by administration level. Supported levels are:
continent, country, state, region, county, city, town, village, settlement, locality, neighbourhood, archipelago, islandpoi

Place categories

We use 11 simple categories for places to allow easy selection without the need to use complex tag queries. Each place can have multiple categories assigned describing different kinds of visitor interest. Supported categories are: discovering, eating, going_out, hiking, playing, relaxing, shopping, sightseeing, sleeping, doing_sports, traveling. You can use our trip planner app to browse the categories.

Please note that sleeping category is only available to partners that have a valid API access contract with

Place tags

Each place can have multiple tags which describe it or it’s properties. Tags can be used to filter places. See the list of available tags.

Place markers

Each place has a marker property that specifies which icon can be used when displaying the place in user interface. Markers have hierarchical structure that allows usage of very specific icons as well as a smaller general icon set. Levels of marker string are delimited by : where right part describes the left part more in detail.

A maker value can be for instance eating but when a more detailed information is available the type of eating will be included as well, i.e. eating:restaurant. There can be multiple nesting levels describing more and more details, i.e. eating:restaurant:asian or eating:restaurant:burgers:burger_king. Such detailed marker allows us to display a very specific icon (i.e. Burger King's logo), but if we have no such icon, we can always fallback to eating:restaurant:burgers, eating:restaurant, or eating.

For a full list of all available markers see Markers sheet. We provide default marker icon set that you are free to use. Note that not all markers have default icons – we provide a very detailed marker set to allow usage of custom specific icons, but when an icon is not available a fallback should be used. You can download a full package of our default markers here.

Geographical attributes

Places and certain other objects can have geographical attributes describing their location and area. Supported attributes are:

  • location – Object with lat (latitude) and lng (longitude) in degrees.
  • bounding_box – Object with south, west, north, east in degrees. Specifies bounds of places that have an area.
  • quadkey – Map tile coordinate using Mercator (Google/Bing) projection. For details see Bing Maps docs or


References are entities that represent place's relations to other websites, articles, social networks, rentals, passes, ticket, tour, and accomodation providers, parking, transfers, and other information. They are included as a references array in response to Places API calls. References have a structural type system – reference type is represented by a string that contains a top-level type and may contain various nested subtypes that define the reference type more precisely. Depending on reference type clients can decide if, how, and where to display particular references. For simple sorting a preset priority can be used.

The following top-level reference types are supported – link, wiki, guide, buy, book, rent, tour, pass, transfer, parking, map, article. For a complete list of nested reference types see References sheet.

Some references have multiple language variants – in such cases the reference's lan­guage is specified by language_id property and appropriate language variants are selected by the API according to language specified in URL. When reference localization is not found English variant is used as fallback. Some references have no particular language variants (Facebook page, official website, etc.) – in such cases the language_id property is null.


Depending on the provider of place description it may be required to display attribution along with the description. Each description object contains a provider field. The attribution must be displayed as follows:

  1. Sygic Travel (provider: null) – you do not need to attribute anything.
  2. Wikipedia (provider: wikipedia) – you need to attribute Wikipedia and link the respective article.
  3. Wikivoyage (provider: wikivoyage) – you need to attribute Wikivoyage and link the respective article.

Some place descriptions are translated from original description written in other language. Such descriptions have is_translated property set to true and the translation must be attributed as follows:

  1. Human translator (translation_provider: null) – you do not need to attribute the translation.
  2. Google Translate (translation_provider: google) – you need to attribute Google Translate as required by their Attribution Requirements.

Place media (photos and videos) must be attributed as specified in Media Attribution section.

Top destinations

We've prepared an export of our top destinations with their IDs to facilitate data matching. You can browse them in Google Sheets or download them in CSV format:


Please notice examples don't work in browser since the x-api-key header is mandatory. You can use tools like Postman.

  • Top twenty restaurants in London:
  • Top ten restaurants in an area:,-0.1879067,51.526849,-0.0464577&categories=eating
  • Top ten pois an area:,-0.1879067,51.526849,-0.0464577&levels=poi
  • Fulltext query search in an area:,-0.1879067,51.526849,-0.0464577
  • Detailed information about the Eiffel Tower:
  • Eiffel Tower media:

This endpoint returns basic information about places. It is designed for fast performance for usecases such as fulltext search, place lists, map, etc.


name type example description
query optional
"Eiffel Tower"

Fulltext search query. Supports partial prefix & fuzzy matching, matches also against names of parent places, and works in multiple languages.

levels optional

Limit results by levels. It is possible to pass multiple levels. Separators have to be url-encoded, allowed options are: | is logical OR, separator , is logical AND. AND and OR logic cannot be mixed. See section Place levels.

categories optional

Limit results by categories. It is possible to pass multiple categories. Separators have to be url-encoded, allowed options are: | is logical OR, separator , is logical AND. AND and OR logic cannot be mixed. See section Place categories.

categories_not optional

Limit results by excluding categories. It is possible to pass multiple categories. Separators have to be url-encoded, allowed options are: | is logical OR, separator , is logical AND. AND and OR logic cannot be mixed. See section Place categories.

map_tiles optional

Limit results to area defined by quadkey. See section Geographical attributes. You can provide multiple map_tiles separeated by | (logical OR). All map tiles have to be same length. Using multiple map_tiles with map_spread will also change behaviour of limit parameter, so that limit is applied per each tile.

map_spread optional

Possible values are from <0-3> interval (1 subdivides area to 4 subareas, 2 to 16, and 3 to 64). Equal amount of pois is being picked for each area to fill the limit. This makes pois being laid out evenly. Otherwise pois from center of the city would suppress pois with lower rating from the outer districts of city, because the city center would take all the limit.

bounds optional

Limit results to area defined by bounds. Bounds are defined by string composed of four floats in format {south},{west},{north},{east}. The units are in degrees of latitude/longi­tude."

area optional

Limit results to area defined by a centre and a radius in meters. The units of the centre are in degrees of latitude/longitude.

tags optional

Limit results by tags. It is possible to pass multiple tags. Separators have to be url-encoded, allowed options are: | is logical OR, separator , is logical AND. AND and OR logic cannot be mixed.

tags_not optional

Limit results by excluding tags. It is possible to pass multiple tags. Separators have to be url-encoded, allowed options are: | is logical OR, separator , is logical AND. AND and OR logic cannot be mixed.

parents optional

Limit results by ID of parent place. It is possible to pass multiple parents. Separators have to be url-encoded, allowed options are: | is logical OR, separator , is logical AND. AND and OR logic cannot be mixed.

rating optional

Limit results by rating range. The rating reflects how popular the place is. It is distributed so that 50% places have rating < 0.001, 80% places have rating < 0.003, 95% places have rating < 0.01. Minimum value is 0 and maximum is technically unlimited so to get top values leave the higher range boundary unspecified, e.g. 0.5:.

star_rating optional

Limit results by checking if star_rating or star_rating_u­nofficial of the place is within the given range. Maximum value is 5 and minimum 0. Possible representations of the range :3, 1:3, 1:

customer_rating optional

Limit results by customer_rating range. Maximum value is 10 and minimum 0. Possible representations of the range :3, 1:3, 1:

limit optional
int 1…1024

Limit the number of returned results. Default value is 10, max value is 1024. With map_spread the value must be divisible by 4map_spread e.g. 4<sup>2</sup>.

offset optional
int 0…10000

Specify offset. Default value is 0, max value is 10000.

location optional

Location parameter boosts up places within the 300km radius area around given GPS coordinates. Format is {latitude},{longitude}.


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { places: [ { id: "poi:530" string level: "poi" enum["continent", "country", "state", "region", "county", "city", "town", "village", "settlement", "locality", "neighbourhood", "archipelago", "island", "poi"] categories: [ "sightseeing" enum["discovering", "eating", "going_out", "hiking", "playing", "relaxing", "shopping", "sightseeing", "sleeping", "doing_sports", "traveling"] 0…∞ ]

See section Place categories.

rating: 9.555 float

Popularity rating of the place in range <0-10>. Higher rating means higher popularity.

rating_local: 1.123456 float


quadkey: "120212302033313333" string

See section Geographical attributes.

location: { lat: 45.456 float lng: 2.456 float }

See section Geographical attributes.

bounding_box: { south: 50.076 float west: 14.412 float north: 50.078 float east: 14.414 float }|null

See section Geographical attributes.

name: "Eiffel Tower" string name_suffix: "Paris, France" string|null original_name: "Tour Eiffel" string|null perex: "The most iconic sight in all of Paris. Do not miss this iron lady known all around the world. The views from the top are..." string|null

Beginning of place description, up to 160 characters.

url: "" string|null

URL of place overview on Sygic Travel. Custom Places do not have an url.

thumbnail_url: "" string|null

Image of place in dimensions 150×150 pixels.

marker: "sightseeing:tower:lookout" string

Name of the suggested marker icon. Each part after ‚:‘ character makes it more specific. You can use only prefix of the name with more common icon. Default value is default.

parent_ids: [ "city:14" string 0…∞ ]

Array of IDs of parent places.

star_rating: float|null

Rating in stars from 0 to 5.

star_rating_unofficial: float|null

Star rating which is not officially confirmed.

customer_rating: float|null

The customer rating on scale from 0 to 10 (the higher the better).

duration: 3600 int|null

Expected duration of visit in seconds.


This endpoint returns complete information about places. The response includes also basic information from /places/list endpoint.


name type example description


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { places: [ { area: 4110308670 int|null

Area of the place in square meters.

is_deleted: false bool

Some place can be no longer available for various reasons. The API still returns such a place when it is requested by id.

tags: [ { key: "Restaurant" string name: "Ristorante" string } 0…∞ ] description: { text: "The most iconic sight in all of Paris. Do not miss this iron lady known all around the world. The views from the top are breath-taking." string provider: enum["wikipedia", "", null] translation_provider: enum["bing", "google", null] link: string|null

Link contains an URL of the source. It is recommended to use it for attribution together with the provider.

address: "Purkyňova 649/127" string|null address_is_approximated: false bool admission: "Adults: €11" string|null email: "" string|null opening_hours: "Open daily: Mid-June - early Sep: 9 a.m. - 12:45" string|null phone: "+33 892 70 12 39" string|null media_count: 15 int main_media: { usage: { square: "m:62951" string landscape: "m:62951" string portrait: "m:62951" string video_preview: "m:62951" string|null }

Recommended media for specific display cases

media: [ { id: "m:1234" string type: "photo" enum["photo", "photo360", "video", "video360"] url_template: "{size}/612664395a40232133447d33247d383235343637373932.jpg" string

{size} has to be relpaced i.e. by 400x300. For full description of size see media endpoint description.

url: "" string

Path to original.

?original: { size: 1017931 int|null

Size of original media file

width: 1024 int|null

Width of original media

height: 768 int|null

Height of original media

suitability: [ enum["portrait", "landscape", "square", "video_preview"] 0…∞ ]

List of preferred suitability

created_at: "2016-07-10T12:47:51+0000" string source: { provider: "user_upload" string name: "Fotolia" string|null external_id: 123456 string|null } created_by: "55963aff54537" string|null attribution: { title_url: "Nice tower" string|null license: "CC-BY-SA" string|null other: string|null author_url: "" string|null author: "Lojza Bojza" string|null title: "Eiffel Tower" string|null license_url: "" string|null } location: { lat: 10.51 float lng: 20.52 float }|null
collection_count: 5 int

Number of collections for place in given language (collections that have the place as parent).

references: [ { id: 123 int

Reference ID.

title: "Official website" string

Reference title that can be displayed in UI.

type: "link:official" string

Reference type. For a full list of reference types see References sheet.

language_id: "en" string|null

Reference language for references that exist in language-specific variants. Others have null.

url: "" string

URL of the website linked by reference.

supplier: "facebook" enum["instagram", "facebook", "google_plus", "osm", "twitter", "viator", "wiki", "youtube", "get_your_guide", "booking_com", "rental_cars", "car_trawler", "wikivoyage", null] priority: 0 int

Can be used for simple ordering (the higher value the higher priority).

currency: "EUR" string|null

Currency of reference price.

price: 99.9 float|null

Linked product price.

flags: [ "top_seller" enum["all_inclusive", "destination_menu", "instant_confirmation", "private_guide", "skip_the_line", "special_offer", "bestseller", "mobile_voucher"] 0…∞ ]

Place references. For details see section References.

external_ids: [ { id: "node:1234" string type: "openstreetmap" string language_id: "en" string|null } 0…∞ ] ?owner_id: "4afe456ff45e" string

Id of the user who created the custom place.

id: "poi:530" string level: "poi" enum["continent", "country", "state", "region", "county", "city", "town", "village", "settlement", "locality", "neighbourhood", "archipelago", "island", "poi"] categories: [ "sightseeing" enum["discovering", "eating", "going_out", "hiking", "playing", "relaxing", "shopping", "sightseeing", "sleeping", "doing_sports", "traveling"] 0…∞ ]

See section Place categories.

rating: 9.555 float

Popularity rating of the place in range <0-10>. Higher rating means higher popularity.

rating_local: 1.123456 float


quadkey: "120212302033313333" string

See section Geographical attributes.

location: { lat: 45.456 float lng: 2.456 float }

See section Geographical attributes.

bounding_box: { south: 50.076 float west: 14.412 float north: 50.078 float east: 14.414 float }|null

See section Geographical attributes.

name: "Eiffel Tower" string name_suffix: "Paris, France" string|null original_name: "Tour Eiffel" string|null perex: "The most iconic sight in all of Paris. Do not miss this iron lady known all around the world. The views from the top are..." string|null

Beginning of place description, up to 160 characters.

url: "" string|null

URL of place overview on Sygic Travel. Custom Places do not have an url.

thumbnail_url: "" string|null

Image of place in dimensions 150×150 pixels.

marker: "sightseeing:tower:lookout" string

Name of the suggested marker icon. Each part after ‚:‘ character makes it more specific. You can use only prefix of the name with more common icon. Default value is default.

parent_ids: [ "city:14" string 0…∞ ]

Array of IDs of parent places.

star_rating: float|null

Rating in stars from 0 to 5.

star_rating_unofficial: float|null

Star rating which is not officially confirmed.

customer_rating: float|null

The customer rating on scale from 0 to 10 (the higher the better).

duration: 3600 int|null

Expected duration of visit in seconds.


This endpoint returns complete information about place. The response includes also basic information from /places/list endpoint.


name type example description
id inlined in path


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { place: { area: 4110308670 int|null

Area of the place in square meters.

is_deleted: false bool

Some place can be no longer available for various reasons. The API still returns such a place when it is requested by id.

tags: [ { key: "Restaurant" string name: "Ristorante" string } 0…∞ ] description: { text: "The most iconic sight in all of Paris. Do not miss this iron lady known all around the world. The views from the top are breath-taking." string provider: enum["wikipedia", "", null] translation_provider: enum["bing", "google", null] link: string|null

Link contains an URL of the source. It is recommended to use it for attribution together with the provider.

address: "Purkyňova 649/127" string|null address_is_approximated: false bool admission: "Adults: €11" string|null email: "" string|null opening_hours: "Open daily: Mid-June - early Sep: 9 a.m. - 12:45" string|null phone: "+33 892 70 12 39" string|null media_count: 15 int main_media: { usage: { square: "m:62951" string landscape: "m:62951" string portrait: "m:62951" string video_preview: "m:62951" string|null }

Recommended media for specific display cases

media: [ { id: "m:1234" string type: "photo" enum["photo", "photo360", "video", "video360"] url_template: "{size}/612664395a40232133447d33247d383235343637373932.jpg" string

{size} has to be relpaced i.e. by 400x300. For full description of size see media endpoint description.

url: "" string

Path to original.

?original: { size: 1017931 int|null

Size of original media file

width: 1024 int|null

Width of original media

height: 768 int|null

Height of original media

suitability: [ enum["portrait", "landscape", "square", "video_preview"] 0…∞ ]

List of preferred suitability

created_at: "2016-07-10T12:47:51+0000" string source: { provider: "user_upload" string name: "Fotolia" string|null external_id: 123456 string|null } created_by: "55963aff54537" string|null attribution: { title_url: "Nice tower" string|null license: "CC-BY-SA" string|null other: string|null author_url: "" string|null author: "Lojza Bojza" string|null title: "Eiffel Tower" string|null license_url: "" string|null } location: { lat: 10.51 float lng: 20.52 float }|null
collection_count: 5 int

Number of collections for place in given language (collections that have the place as parent).

references: [ { id: 123 int

Reference ID.

title: "Official website" string

Reference title that can be displayed in UI.

type: "link:official" string

Reference type. For a full list of reference types see References sheet.

language_id: "en" string|null

Reference language for references that exist in language-specific variants. Others have null.

url: "" string

URL of the website linked by reference.

supplier: "facebook" enum["instagram", "facebook", "google_plus", "osm", "twitter", "viator", "wiki", "youtube", "get_your_guide", "booking_com", "rental_cars", "car_trawler", "wikivoyage", null] priority: 0 int

Can be used for simple ordering (the higher value the higher priority).

currency: "EUR" string|null

Currency of reference price.

price: 99.9 float|null

Linked product price.

flags: [ "top_seller" enum["all_inclusive", "destination_menu", "instant_confirmation", "private_guide", "skip_the_line", "special_offer", "bestseller", "mobile_voucher"] 0…∞ ]

Place references. For details see section References.

external_ids: [ { id: "node:1234" string type: "openstreetmap" string language_id: "en" string|null } 0…∞ ] ?owner_id: "4afe456ff45e" string

Id of the user who created the custom place.

id: "poi:530" string level: "poi" enum["continent", "country", "state", "region", "county", "city", "town", "village", "settlement", "locality", "neighbourhood", "archipelago", "island", "poi"] categories: [ "sightseeing" enum["discovering", "eating", "going_out", "hiking", "playing", "relaxing", "shopping", "sightseeing", "sleeping", "doing_sports", "traveling"] 0…∞ ]

See section Place categories.

rating: 9.555 float

Popularity rating of the place in range <0-10>. Higher rating means higher popularity.

rating_local: 1.123456 float


quadkey: "120212302033313333" string

See section Geographical attributes.

location: { lat: 45.456 float lng: 2.456 float }

See section Geographical attributes.

bounding_box: { south: 50.076 float west: 14.412 float north: 50.078 float east: 14.414 float }|null

See section Geographical attributes.

name: "Eiffel Tower" string name_suffix: "Paris, France" string|null original_name: "Tour Eiffel" string|null perex: "The most iconic sight in all of Paris. Do not miss this iron lady known all around the world. The views from the top are..." string|null

Beginning of place description, up to 160 characters.

url: "" string|null

URL of place overview on Sygic Travel. Custom Places do not have an url.

thumbnail_url: "" string|null

Image of place in dimensions 150×150 pixels.

marker: "sightseeing:tower:lookout" string

Name of the suggested marker icon. Each part after ‚:‘ character makes it more specific. You can use only prefix of the name with more common icon. Default value is default.

parent_ids: [ "city:14" string 0…∞ ]

Array of IDs of parent places.

star_rating: float|null

Rating in stars from 0 to 5.

star_rating_unofficial: float|null

Star rating which is not officially confirmed.

customer_rating: float|null

The customer rating on scale from 0 to 10 (the higher the better).

duration: 3600 int|null

Expected duration of visit in seconds.



name type example description
id inlined in path


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { geometry: null|any

Null or valid GeoJSON format

is_shape: bool

Describes if geometry is only a point or a geometry with a shape.



name type example description
date (YYYY-MM-DD)
date (YYYY-MM-DD)

Result includes this day.

id inlined in path


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { opening_hours: { \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}: [ { opening: string(~\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}~)

In h:m:s format.

closing: string(~\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}~)

In h:m:s format.

note: null|string

Detect parents of given GPS coordinates. The parents are ordered by area size.


name type example description

Define GPS coordinates for parent detection. GPS coordinates are defined by string composed of two floats in format {latitude},{longitude}. The units are in degrees of latitude/longitude.


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { places: [ { id: "poi:530" string level: "poi" enum["continent", "country", "state", "region", "county", "city", "town", "village", "settlement", "locality", "neighbourhood", "archipelago", "island", "poi"] categories: [ "sightseeing" enum["discovering", "eating", "going_out", "hiking", "playing", "relaxing", "shopping", "sightseeing", "sleeping", "doing_sports", "traveling"] 0…∞ ]

See section Place categories.

rating: 9.555 float

Popularity rating of the place in range <0-10>. Higher rating means higher popularity.

rating_local: 1.123456 float


quadkey: "120212302033313333" string

See section Geographical attributes.

location: { lat: 45.456 float lng: 2.456 float }

See section Geographical attributes.

bounding_box: { south: 50.076 float west: 14.412 float north: 50.078 float east: 14.414 float }|null

See section Geographical attributes.

name: "Eiffel Tower" string name_suffix: "Paris, France" string|null original_name: "Tour Eiffel" string|null perex: "The most iconic sight in all of Paris. Do not miss this iron lady known all around the world. The views from the top are..." string|null

Beginning of place description, up to 160 characters.

url: "" string|null

URL of place overview on Sygic Travel. Custom Places do not have an url.

thumbnail_url: "" string|null

Image of place in dimensions 150×150 pixels.

marker: "sightseeing:tower:lookout" string

Name of the suggested marker icon. Each part after ‚:‘ character makes it more specific. You can use only prefix of the name with more common icon. Default value is default.

parent_ids: [ "city:14" string 0…∞ ]

Array of IDs of parent places.

star_rating: float|null

Rating in stars from 0 to 5.

star_rating_unofficial: float|null

Star rating which is not officially confirmed.

customer_rating: float|null

The customer rating on scale from 0 to 10 (the higher the better).

duration: 3600 int|null

Expected duration of visit in seconds.


Detect place that covers enough of the area and his parents in area. The parents are selected and ordered by the coverage of the area.


name type example description
bounds optional

Define area for parent detection by bounds. Bounds are defined by string composed of four floats in format {south},{west},{north},{east}. The units are in degrees of latitude/longi­tude."

map_tile_bounds optional

Define area for parent detection by quadkeys. See section Geographical attributes. You should provide two quadkeys separated by comma. The first one represents south west corner of the area and the second one the north east corner of the area.


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { places: [ { id: "poi:530" string level: "poi" enum["continent", "country", "state", "region", "county", "city", "town", "village", "settlement", "locality", "neighbourhood", "archipelago", "island", "poi"] categories: [ "sightseeing" enum["discovering", "eating", "going_out", "hiking", "playing", "relaxing", "shopping", "sightseeing", "sleeping", "doing_sports", "traveling"] 0…∞ ]

See section Place categories.

rating: 9.555 float

Popularity rating of the place in range <0-10>. Higher rating means higher popularity.

rating_local: 1.123456 float


quadkey: "120212302033313333" string

See section Geographical attributes.

location: { lat: 45.456 float lng: 2.456 float }

See section Geographical attributes.

bounding_box: { south: 50.076 float west: 14.412 float north: 50.078 float east: 14.414 float }|null

See section Geographical attributes.

name: "Eiffel Tower" string name_suffix: "Paris, France" string|null original_name: "Tour Eiffel" string|null perex: "The most iconic sight in all of Paris. Do not miss this iron lady known all around the world. The views from the top are..." string|null

Beginning of place description, up to 160 characters.

url: "" string|null

URL of place overview on Sygic Travel. Custom Places do not have an url.

thumbnail_url: "" string|null

Image of place in dimensions 150×150 pixels.

marker: "sightseeing:tower:lookout" string

Name of the suggested marker icon. Each part after ‚:‘ character makes it more specific. You can use only prefix of the name with more common icon. Default value is default.

parent_ids: [ "city:14" string 0…∞ ]

Array of IDs of parent places.

star_rating: float|null

Rating in stars from 0 to 5.

star_rating_unofficial: float|null

Star rating which is not officially confirmed.

customer_rating: float|null

The customer rating on scale from 0 to 10 (the higher the better).

duration: 3600 int|null

Expected duration of visit in seconds.


References #



name type example description

list of reference ids connected with |

date (YYYY-MM-DD)
date (YYYY-MM-DD)
int 1…∞


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { availabilities: [ { id: int

Reference id.

is_available: bool price: null|float

null = unknown price


Tours #

Tours API provides online access to tours, tickets, attractions, and other activities, using data from multiple providers. These activities can be searched and filtered by various parameters and a booking link with custom affiliate ID can be presented to end users. At the moment we support the following providers:



name type example description
page optional
int 1…∞

Requested page. Each page contains 20 tours.

sort_by optional
enum["price", "rating", "top_sellers"]

Field used for sorting. Default is top_sellers

sort_direction optional
enum["asc", "desc"]

DESC is not supported for top_sellers sorting.


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { tours: [ { id: "TE-E-Ticket" string supplier: "viator" string title: "TE-E-Ticket" string

Tour title.

perex: "See Paris from the sky..." string

Short tour description.

url: "" string

Tour URL on provider's website including customizable affiliate ID.

rating: 4.0164 float

Tour rating from user reviews on scale from 0 (the worst) to 5 (the best).

review_count: 152 int

Count of user reviews.

photo_url: "[format_id].jpg" string

In case of get_your_guide supplier the url contains a placeholder [format_id] which has to be replaced with valid format id (see the list).

price: 42 float

Final tour price in USD.

original_price: 50 float

Tour price in USD without any discounts.

duration: "3 hours and 30 minutes" string|null

Duration of the tour or activity as text.

duration_min: 7200 int|null

Minimum duration of the tour or activity in seconds.

duration_max: 21600 int|null

Maximum duration of the tour or activity in seconds.

flags: [ enum["bestseller", "instant_confirmation", "portable_ticket", "wheelchair_access", "skip_the_line"] 0…∞ ]

Special flags of the tour as defined by Get Your Guide.


Query or bounds param must be present.


name type example description
query optional
bounds optional

Limit results to area defined by bounds. Bounds are defined by string composed of four floats in format {south},{west},{north},{east}. The units are in degrees of latitude/longitude. This parameter is exclusive with parent_place_id"

parent_place_id optional

Limits results by parent place. This parameter is exclusive with bounds.

tags optional

Comma separated tag ids (logical AND)

from optional "2017-10-20T08:00:00+00:00"

Datetime in W3C format…OTE-datetime

to optional "2017-10-22T23:00:00+00:00"

Datetime in W3C format…OTE-datetime

duration optional

Duration range in seconds. Note: :7200 == 0:7200 and 3600: == 3600:43200.

page optional
count optional

Requested count per page.

sort_by optional
enum["price", "duration", "rating", "popularity"]

Field used for sorting. Default value: defalult

sort_direction optional
enum["asc", "desc"]


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { tours: [ { id: "TE-E-Ticket" string supplier: "viator" string title: "TE-E-Ticket" string

Tour title.

perex: "See Paris from the sky..." string

Short tour description.

url: "" string

Tour URL on provider's website including customizable affiliate ID.

rating: 4.0164 float

Tour rating from user reviews on scale from 0 (the worst) to 5 (the best).

review_count: 152 int

Count of user reviews.

photo_url: "[format_id].jpg" string

In case of get_your_guide supplier the url contains a placeholder [format_id] which has to be replaced with valid format id (see the list).

price: 42 float

Final tour price in USD.

original_price: 50 float

Tour price in USD without any discounts.

duration: "3 hours and 30 minutes" string|null

Duration of the tour or activity as text.

duration_min: 7200 int|null

Minimum duration of the tour or activity in seconds.

duration_max: 21600 int|null

Maximum duration of the tour or activity in seconds.

flags: [ enum["bestseller", "instant_confirmation", "portable_ticket", "wheelchair_access", "skip_the_line"] 0…∞ ]

Special flags of the tour as defined by Get Your Guide.



name type example description
query optional
bounds optional

Limit results to area defined by bounds. Bounds are defined by string composed of four floats in format {south},{west},{north},{east}. The units are in degrees of latitude/longitude. This parameter is exclusive with destination_id"

parent_place_id optional

Limits results by parent place. This parameter is exclusive with bounds.

tags optional

Comma separated tag ids (logical AND)

from optional "2017-10-22T23:00:00+00:00"

Datetime in W3C format…OTE-datetime

to optional "2017-10-22T23:00:00+00:00"

Datetime in W3C format…OTE-datetime

duration optional

Duration range in seconds. Note: :7200 == 0:7200 and 3600: == 3600:43200.


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { tag_stats: [ { id: 2 int name: "Sightseeing Tours" string count: 275 int } 0…∞ ] } }

This endpoint has been deprecated and will be removed in future API versions. Use /tours/viator instead.


name type example description
page optional
int 1…∞

Requested page. Each page contains 20 tours.

sort_by optional
enum["price", "rating", "top_sellers"]

Field used for sorting. Default is rating_count

sort_direction optional
enum["asc", "desc"]

DESC is not supported for top_sellers sorting.


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { tours: [ { id: "TE-E-Ticket" string supplier: "viator" string title: "TE-E-Ticket" string

Tour title.

perex: "See Paris from the sky..." string

Short tour description.

url: "" string

Tour URL on provider's website including customizable affiliate ID.

rating: 4.0164 float

Tour rating from user reviews on scale from 0 (the worst) to 5 (the best).

review_count: 152 int

Count of user reviews.

photo_url: "[format_id].jpg" string

In case of get_your_guide supplier the url contains a placeholder [format_id] which has to be replaced with valid format id (see the list).

price: 42 float

Final tour price in USD.

original_price: 50 float

Tour price in USD without any discounts.

duration: "3 hours and 30 minutes" string|null

Duration of the tour or activity as text.

duration_min: 7200 int|null

Minimum duration of the tour or activity in seconds.

duration_max: 21600 int|null

Maximum duration of the tour or activity in seconds.

flags: [ enum["bestseller", "instant_confirmation", "portable_ticket", "wheelchair_access", "skip_the_line"] 0…∞ ]

Special flags of the tour as defined by Get Your Guide.


Trips #

The Trips API provides data about specific trip itineraries. You can use it to get trip templates – suggested trip itineraries for selected cities, regions or countries. A trip template consists of a list of suggested places to visit; sorted in recommended order of visiting. Trip templates are available for one-day trips as well as for trips spanning several days. Each trip template has a name and a short description (both available in English only).

Please note that trip templates are only available for selected destinations. See the Trip Templates Destinations for the list of destinations with at least one trip template.


Get full data about a trip itinerary using its ID.


  • Get data for one trip itinerary:


name type example description
id inlined in path

Trip ID.


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { trip: { id: "58db672c280b5" string owner_id: "58494e397c170" string name: "My Trip to Prague" string|null version: 20 int url: "" string updated_at: "2017-03-30T08:01:39+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) is_deleted: false bool

Trip was soft deleted and should not be displayed.

privacy_level: "shareable" enum["private", "shareable", "public"] privileges: { edit: true bool manage: true bool delete: true bool join: true bool

The property is false if the trip is private or user is already joined or is trip owner.

starts_on: "2017-03-27" date (YYYY-MM-DD)|null ends_on: "2017-03-29" date (YYYY-MM-DD)|null day_count: 3 int days: [ { itinerary: [ { place_id: "poi:530" string start_time: 32400 int|null

Number of seconds from midnight.

duration: 3600 int|null

Time in seconds planned to spend visiting place.

note: "Don't forget to use promo code. Code: 456789" string|null transport_from_previous: { mode: "car" enum["car", "pedestrian", "bike", "plane", "bus", "train", "boat", "public_transit"] avoid: [ enum["tolls", "highways", "ferries", "unpaved"] 0…∞ ] start_time: 32400 int|null

Number of seconds from midnight.

duration: 3600 int|null

Time in seconds spent on the transport.

note: "Ticket Number: 1234" string|null waypoints: [ { ?place_id: "poi:12727" string|null location: { lat: 50.05546 float lng: 0.05546 float } } 0…∞ ] ?route_id: "12345:45612" string|null
note: string|null
media: null|{ square: { id: "m:1234" string url_template: "{size}/612664395a40232133447d33247d383234313431323731.jpg" string } landscape: { id: "m:1234" string url_template: "{size}/612664395a40232133447d33247d383234313431323731.jpg" string } portrait: { id: "m:1234" string url_template: "{size}/612664395a40232133447d33247d383234313431323731.jpg" string } video_preview: { id: "m:1234" string url_template: "{size}/612664395a40232133447d33247d383234313431323731.jpg" string }|null } user_is_subscribed: true bool

User is subscribed to a trip when he is owner of the trip or one of the collaborators. The value is related to the user session of the api call.

destinations: [ "city:1" string 0…∞ ]



Get a list of suggested trip itineraries for a specific city, region or country. The response contains only basic trip data. For full trip response with places data use the Trips API.


  • Get trip templates for Prague:


name type example description

The endpoint returns an array of trip entities.


{ status_code: 200 int server_timestamp: "2017-04-05T11:42:50+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) data: { trips: [ { id: "58db672c280b5" string owner_id: "58494e397c170" string name: "My Trip to Prague" string|null version: 20 int url: "" string updated_at: "2017-03-30T08:01:39+00:00" datetime (YYYY-mm-ddTHH:ii:ssZ) is_deleted: false bool

Trip was soft deleted and should not be displayed.

privacy_level: "shareable" enum["private", "shareable", "public"] privileges: { edit: true bool manage: true bool delete: true bool } starts_on: "2017-03-27" date (YYYY-MM-DD)|null ends_on: "2017-03-29" date (YYYY-MM-DD)|null day_count: 3 int media: null|{ square: { id: "m:1234" string url_template: "{size}/612664395a40232133447d33247d383234313431323731.jpg" string } landscape: { id: "m:1234" string url_template: "{size}/612664395a40232133447d33247d383234313431323731.jpg" string } portrait: { id: "m:1234" string url_template: "{size}/612664395a40232133447d33247d383234313431323731.jpg" string } video_preview: { id: "m:1234" string url_template: "{size}/612664395a40232133447d33247d383234313431323731.jpg" string }|null }