# Sygic Travel API Changelog ## Version 1.2 ### Places - `/places/match` is no longer marked as experimental - `/places/match` matches also against `parent` and `levels` properties. `levels` property replaces existing `level` and accepts an array of possible levels instead of a single value. - `/places/{id}/opening-hours` returns `null` when opening hours definition is not valid - Parameters - `location` parameter has been renamed to `preferred_location` to better express its meaning - `star_rating` parameter has been renamed to `hotel_star_rating` - Output - `original_name` has been renamed to `name_local` to be consistent with other names - new `name_translated` property contains the places name in requested language, if available - new `name_en` property contains the English name, if available (regardless the requested language) - new `has_shape_geometry` property signals whether it makes sense to request the geometry from a dedicated endpoint - list output now contains full `parents` structure (previously it only returned the ids) - property `parent_ids` has been removed - new `tag_keys` property lists all associated tags even in list output (`/places/list`) - `star_rating` has been renamed to `hotel_star_rating` - `star_rating_unofficial` has been renamed to `hotel_star_rating_unofficial` - `duration` has been renamed to `duration_estimate` - `opening_hours` has been removed (use `opening_hours_raw` instead or query a dedicated endpoint) - new `opening_hours_note` property contains a note to be displayed with opening hours - new `attributes` structure contains various structured data where available. - new `timezone` property - property `marker` now contains a string that directly references a marker from the set of standard markers. - new `class` structure contains - `slug` that defines the type of the place (same values as `marker` in previous API versions) - `name` a name intended to be used in UI - new `address_details` structure contains a structured data for addresses - new `description.language_id` property indicates the language of description (and perex) - `description.is_translated` has been removed - `price` property is now deprecated ### Tours - `/tours/get-your-guide` and `/tours/get-your-guide/stats` accepts now only `localdatetime` for `from` & `to` parameters ## Version 1.1 ### Places - Added `is_valid` parameter in `/places/{id}/opening-hours` endpoint - Added `/places/stats` endpoint - In `place` parameter added `opening_hours_raw` and `satellite` object parameter ### Trip - In `trip_days` parameter `place_id` is required (BC break)