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Sygic Travel Android SDK

sdk / / PlacesFacade


class PlacesFacade

Places facade provides interface for fetching places data from the API.


Name Summary
detectPlacesForLocation fun detectPlacesForLocation(location:LatLng):List<Place>
Detects places for specific location sorted by the area. Mainly return regions, but may return a detectPlacesForLocation(location:LatLngBounds):List<Place>
Detect places that cover enough of the area and its parents in area sorted by the coverage of the area.
getPlaceDetailed fun getPlaceDetailed(id:String):DetailedPlace
Creates and sends a request to get place with detailed information.
getPlaceMedia fun getPlaceMedia(id:String):List<Medium>
Creates and sends a request to get the place's media.
getPlaces fun getPlaces(placesQuery:PlacesQuery):List<Place>
Creates and sends a request to get places, e.g. for map or list.
getPlacesDetailed fun getPlacesDetailed(ids:List<String>):List<DetailedPlace>
Creates and sends a request to get places with detailed information.
parseDetailedPlacesList fun parseDetailedPlacesList(json:InputStream):List<DetailedPlace>
Parses list of places as DetailedPlace instances.
parsePlacesList fun parsePlacesList(json:InputStream):List<Place>
Parses list of places as Place instances.
replaceLocalPlaceId fun replaceLocalPlaceId(oldPlaceId:String, newPlaceId:String):Unit
Replaces place id with its public custom place id in SDK's local storage.